Friday, November 20, 2015

Six Months!!!!!

Hello all!!! 

My life as a councillor has been so so busy that I hardly have time to sit down and write my blog but as I just realised, I have now been a Councillor for six months!! 

So it would be nice to catch up on some of the things I have been up to so far! 

Well, first an idea of what I do, here is a list of the committees I am part of- 

Community Services (Chairman)
Personnel (Vice Chairman)
Golf Club 
Arts @ The Crypt
Youth Task Group
Mercread Youth Centre
Seaford Musical Theatre @The Barn
Youth Provision (recently invited)

And my other committees which are not Council related-

Seaford Head School Community Governor (recently appointed)
Archway Project 2016 (recently joined)
Executive Member of Conservative Association in Lewes
Co-Founder and member of the &Sussex Women's Network' 

So yes, I have been busy as you can imagine!!! 
And I have never missed a council meeting ever! 

My first six months have been a huge learning curve, as a committee Chairman (or Chairwoman lol) I have been able to participate in very important projects for our lovely town, one of them being the regeneration of Salts Recreation Grounds which has been a bumpy ride but starting to take shape and get to where I believe our Town needs and deserves. There is a huge road ahead of us when it comes getting to where we want it to be but thanks to the hard work of our amazing Facilities Manager and the very hard working staff at Seaford Town Council  things are now moving forward and we are hoping to see some more progress soon.

I have also been to meetings at Seaford Head Golf Club, where we are watching closely how The View develops over the months and starts steadily becoming a big part of our community!!! It is so exciting to be able to accompany its progress closely.
Once again, our Facilities team working their hardest to achieve amazing things for the town!!!

Next time I will tell you all more about my work with Seaford's outside bodies and committes which I am
a member and am very excited about, and also some of the charity work I have been lucky enough to be part of!! 

See you soon, 

Carol Campbell 

Thursday, October 8, 2015

A coffee morning at SeeAbility!

What a lovely morning we had at the beginning of this week getting to know about the amazing work are doing in Seaford. We were invited alongside Mayor Argent and District Cllr Olivia Honeyman to visit their facilities at Bradbury House. 
It was great to see how happy their residents are, and how much they do to help them lead independent and fulfilling lives! 
Sometimes you forget they have a difficulty and are partially sighted or fully blind! I enjoyed talking to Emily, who is a delightful young lady and also hearing some of James' hilarious jokes as well as learning from Ben how he organises his shopping lists and cooks his meals! Jo showed amazing skill with her super fast Braille reading and we had a go at scrabble which she is a champ! 
I came home happy and amazed at how capable they are and how much time and love and passion their staff have for what they do! An asset for Seaford! They are also currently fundraising to complete the works for a paved area in their garden so if you fancy making a donation, be in touch with their fund raising manager! 
Thank you!!!

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Busy bee!!!!!

Quite a busy couple of weeks we had! Full council meeting last week, a meeting to help organising the young Mayor's Christmas party and the meeting for the launch of Seaford Christmas Magic amongst others, a very productive two weeks! I have also joined the Seaford Musical Theatre committee! Exciting days ahead!  
Today I helped my local W.I. cake sale and attended a lovely event at the Mercread Youth Centre, Go Gold for Leukaemia which was organised by the amazing young people from Seaford's Youth Forum and the amazing Jane Spencer, Roger Daw and John Davis amongst others! 

I also spoke to North ward residents about ward issues and spoke to the local Police about some crime in the area. I am also dealing with the Salts continued works and been to the Golf club to speak to members about some improvements. 

Met with Councillor Freeman and the Mayor to talk about the town's committes which we are part of. Been with the Mayor and his wife to a Comedy Night at the Golf club which was excellent. 

An amazing week, very busy but really productive! 

Going Gold for Leukaemia @ Mercread Centre
WI cake sale @Clinton Centre

Perks of the job- 
Comedy night with the Mayor and the Mayoress of Seaford-
Catch up with Councillor Linda Freeman and Mayor David Argent. 

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Golf Meeting

This week I attended the Golf Club committee meeting. 
It was a very good one and amongst other decisions we got to choose the new name for the club house. 

That is now called "THE VIEW" which is very apt considering its location. 

I am sure you can see why that was the most popular choice- enjoy "The View"!

First Month as a Councillor

What an exciting month it has been! 

It all started well with a great council full of fresh new faces. I feel so positive about working alongside these great characters who really care a lot about our town!! 

We have now elected our dear friend and  fellow conservative David Argent as the town mayor alongside Hahnuma Hayder from the Lib Dems, showing that more than party politics we believe in sharing the power to make this town council a fair one, with people truly interested in achieving the best for the town.

I have then had the opportunity to choose some great committees to join and have been voted Chairman and Vice Chairman of two of them. 

So, here are the committees I am part of and the outside bodies I have joined- 

Community Services - Chairman
Personnel- Vice Chairman
Golf  Club

And the outside bodies-

Arts @ The Crypt
Impact Seaford
Seaford Youth Task
Mercread Youth Centre

I have already attended to one full council meeting, one Golf committee meeting, one Arts@the Crypt and I have my first Community Services Meeting this week, which I am the chair of. I'm very excited to start working in these committees and look forward to meeting with the other outside bodies too. 

Well, this is it for now, I will keep you posted about what I am up to in the next few days, keep an eye here and my Facebook and Twitter!! 

Thank you! 

Monday, May 25, 2015


It has been a busy fortnight since the Elections but I am now finally a Councillor and delighted to having been elected with over 900 votes from the North Ward. 
Thank you so much to all who helped me achieve this, we worked so hard in the past few months, walking around in all weathers, knocking on doors, chatting with people and now I feel so honoured that so many have put their trust in me to work hard for our amazing town! 


And keep checking this website as I will keep you informed of issues I will be working on, committes joined, achievements and hopes for our beloved Seaford! 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Some ideas I have...

Hi Everybody!!! Things have been very busy, but I have been really keen to try and tell people some of my ideas and views I have for the future of our town if I get elected.

 I say views as I don't particularly like to promise things without even knowing their viability, as I have said on different occasions the only promise I can make is to listen to the residents views and try to help with the best of my abilities.

 Having said that, I can tell you that I have all the time in the world to listen to people of all ages but I particularly believe there is a gap in this town for people from 11-21 years of age who are quite often not heard and taken for granted.

 I was one of these young people a long time ago... full of energy and hopes but not too much incentive or focus on how to get where I wanted. Thankfully I was lucky enough to find myself after many years searching, but I feel there is a huge misconception that young people just want to party, cause trouble, etc.

 I believe young people have so many hopes and dreams, and often a lot of talent that needs just that little encouragement to develop so I would love to see a great Youth Centre with Workshops, social time, mentoring programmes, mental health counselling available in our town for all our youngsters to feel safe and motivated in their lives.

 That is one of my biggest dreams and I will be working hard to achieve that if I get elected. I believe in nurturing people's talents from a young age is a great way to make sure they grow up as fulfilled happy productive members of our society.

 Boredom is often the main cause of trouble, anti social behaviour, drug taking and it can lead to an increase in crime, so looking after our youngsters and giving them focus is a great way to keep our town a peaceful place, with a low crime rate and also have great people who contribute to its development!

 I know pot holes, traffic, parking are important issues but as I have experience working with this age group I still believe there is a lot of potential for development of my projects I feel so passionate about in Seaford.

 Sorry I do go on a bit, so my apologies! If you want to talk further I can give you a call or pay an informal visit, even if you don't vote in my ward I am quite happy to listen to what is important for you!!

 Get in touch, and together let's make Seaford a better place!!!!