Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Some ideas I have...

Hi Everybody!!! Things have been very busy, but I have been really keen to try and tell people some of my ideas and views I have for the future of our town if I get elected.

 I say views as I don't particularly like to promise things without even knowing their viability, as I have said on different occasions the only promise I can make is to listen to the residents views and try to help with the best of my abilities.

 Having said that, I can tell you that I have all the time in the world to listen to people of all ages but I particularly believe there is a gap in this town for people from 11-21 years of age who are quite often not heard and taken for granted.

 I was one of these young people a long time ago... full of energy and hopes but not too much incentive or focus on how to get where I wanted. Thankfully I was lucky enough to find myself after many years searching, but I feel there is a huge misconception that young people just want to party, cause trouble, etc.

 I believe young people have so many hopes and dreams, and often a lot of talent that needs just that little encouragement to develop so I would love to see a great Youth Centre with Workshops, social time, mentoring programmes, mental health counselling available in our town for all our youngsters to feel safe and motivated in their lives.

 That is one of my biggest dreams and I will be working hard to achieve that if I get elected. I believe in nurturing people's talents from a young age is a great way to make sure they grow up as fulfilled happy productive members of our society.

 Boredom is often the main cause of trouble, anti social behaviour, drug taking and it can lead to an increase in crime, so looking after our youngsters and giving them focus is a great way to keep our town a peaceful place, with a low crime rate and also have great people who contribute to its development!

 I know pot holes, traffic, parking are important issues but as I have experience working with this age group I still believe there is a lot of potential for development of my projects I feel so passionate about in Seaford.

 Sorry I do go on a bit, so my apologies! If you want to talk further I can give you a call or pay an informal visit, even if you don't vote in my ward I am quite happy to listen to what is important for you!!

 Get in touch, and together let's make Seaford a better place!!!!

The campaign train is coming through!!!

A quick update about last week as I head out for some more canvassing! Wow it was an eventful one! First my huge thank you to Calum Mullet for all his help organising the Saturday afternoon event! It was great having a good chat with the younger generation of our town and listen to their ideas and needs! Again, I feel so lucky to live in a place where the people really do care for our town, starting from when their young! I also attended to the Meet the Candidates event on Saturday evening which was great! I had the opportunity to talk to some residents and also other candidates and left with a sense of hope that the New Seaford Town council will be a fresh new start that our town so needs! If I get elected, I look forward to working with some very inspirational candidates I have met over the course of my campaign! We are all in this together, all for Seaford!!! Thank you, video to come soon!!!

And let the Campaign carry on!

A fantastic afternoon spent walking around the North Ward, knocking on doors and getting to meet the residents, listening to their ideas and troubles and having some really great chats about the future of our town and country! All in the company of our amazing Parliamentary candidate Maria Caulfield!!! I can't tell you how excited it makes me feel just about thinking some of those ideas might become projects for our town! I really need your votes!!!! Let's make things happen!!! Also my great fellow candidate David Argent, who is a very dynamic, productive and clever man!!! I feel so lucky to spend all this time next to some great people who inspire me so much!!! David Argent and I-

Canvassing Days...

Hello!!! Well, the canvassing days are here, we have been going out daily, knocking on doors, chatting with residents around town, on shops, clubs, everywhere! I can honestly say I am a bit overwhelmed about the positivity and support I have been receiving from people of all walks of life, indeed I said and repeat, I feel so lucky to live in a place where people have made me feel at home and I couldn't think of any better place I would like to live! So in the past couple of weeks I have met so many people, I have also attended to a few great events in our town. The Golf Club Opening day was a great event. I met many councillors, mayors and residents who actively participate in our town's growth I felt very privileged to be a witness to the opening of an amazing Club which our town residents can be proud of.

With Tracy Phillips, fellow candidate for the North Ward:

 I also had the opportunity to go to Polegate and meet the Secretary of State of Health Jeremy Hunt at the "You Raise me Up" Cafe, an amazing charity that offers emotional and financial support to families who have lost their beloved young adults between the ages of 16-25. A great afternoon that has given me even more inspiration about what can be done in Seaford! "Selfie" with state secretary of Health Jeremy Hunt and Ben

Jeremy Hunt and Maria Caulfield:

Introducing myself - podcast

Hello, here is the first podcast I made, introducing myself!
Hope you have a listen and get to know a little bit more about me!
Thank you!

